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Sketch It Out

Today was a quiet day, but Mischief wanted to mind their own business for once. They had an idea and they wanted to do it. He opens his sketchbook and starts sketching something out.
A composition, something big and grand. Something that would require a canvas and some paint. This was a draft, for sure, but then...
Ryōshū Sinner #4
Stop that.
Mischief Sinner #28
...A certain sinner reveals that she had been watching him the whole time, even before he took out and started drawing.
Mischief Sinner #28
What's the big idea, huh?! I'm not here to listen to your art critiques!
Ryōshū Sinner #4
Mischief Sinner #28
...I guess not.
Giving up easily, Mischief folds his arms and looks away as the painter stares at the sketch with careful, observing eyes. Then, flicking her pencil, she looks to the empty page next to the original and begins to make an identical concept. As she does, his eyes glance and his mouth runs.
Mischief Sinner #28
You've got a lot of balls bothering an artist who could bonk you on reflex.
Ryōshū Sinner #4
Yet you didn't.
Mischief Sinner #28
I could've, you know! Last thing I want is us causing another scene!
Ryōshū Sinner #4
Cause a scene? You're going to, if you don't quiet down. Now, look.
She presents the exact same drawing, with several corrections and notes surrounding it. Where normally there would be some harsh words from someone like Ryōshū, instead laid out some genuine advice.
Overall, it was to piece everything together. She had no intention to ruin the work.
Mischief Sinner #28
Mischief Sinner #28
So...Okay, hold on.
Mischief starts to erase sections and redraw them, with the other sinner still watching.
Ryōshū Sinner #4
The perspective would require a certain angle where you need a photographic reference.
Mischief Sinner #28
And then this arm would need to be posed differently to make it less stiff...
Ryōshū Sinner #4
Fix that eye.
Mischief Sinner #28
I can't, it's an eye! You know how eyes are. One never listens and the other always does...
Ryōshū Sinner #4
Mischief Sinner #28
Yeah, you're right. I'm no quitter.
After many corrections, Mischief holds up the drawing, now impressed with the revised work. Ryōshū pats his shoulder, chuckling.
Ryōshū Sinner #4
See? Told you.
Mischief Sinner #28
This...actually does look a lot better. Uh...thanks, Ryōshū.
Mischief Sinner #28
All I gotta do is find the money for some good paint.
Ryōshū Sinner #4
Fine. Let's go find a ruffian with nothing better to do. I'll make it Q.A.E.
Mischief Sinner #28
...Your definition of quick and easy is mugging people?!
With that, the two of them set the sketchbook aside and walk off, the other sinners turning their heads with confusion.